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Dolphin Debit Named a Strategic Link Partner With Northwest Credit Union Association

Dolphin Debit, the full-service ATM management company, announced today it has become a Strategic Link partner with the Northwest Credit Union Association, which represents more than 170 credit unions in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho and connects them with leading business partners in the industry.

Dolphin’s turnkey ATM outsourcing service includes purchase and deployment of new ATMs, purchase of the financial institution’s existing ATMs, terminal driving, transaction processing, ATM maintenance, armored car service, communications, monitoring and dispatch, and cash management.

Through the Strategic Link partnership, the NWCUA will actively promote the Dolphin Debit services and help increase Dolphin’s visibility among the NWCUA member credit unions, explained Cameron Smith, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships & Resources for NWCUA.

“The Northwest Credit Union Association and Strategic Link is a trusted resource for securing the business solutions our credit unions need to better serve their members,” Smith said. “ATM/ITM management and operations are top of mind for our members. By providing them a quality solution and partner, we save them time, money, and other resources.”

Joe Woods, Vice President of Business Development for Dolphin Debit, called the partnership a “major step” in helping Dolphin address the needs of credit unions in the three states.

“As a company that partners with credit union associations all over the country, we know that these groups do a great job in helping connect us with credit unions who recognize the importance of outsourcing their ATM management,” Woods said.

So many credit unions are ready to shed the burden of ongoing ATM fleet management, but don’t always know where to turn. Once they become more aware of Dolphin Debit, they realize that we are the answer they’ve been looking for.”